
Sunday, September 4, 2011


Last night was the latest I have stayed up in a while. Usually if I am not getting ready for bed by nine, I can forget feeling halfway decent the next day. But it being Saturday night and knowing if I needed to I could take care of myself in the morning longer, I went ahead and put this blog together. Which uh...probably explains why I missed a few words in my first post not to mention my eyes were screaming at me. I quickly finished it up, posted it on Facebook, and this morning...all I can say is wow! My inbox had several wonderful supportive messages from friends as well as some loving comments on my wall post for this blog. And just as I thought....I found out another person has an invisible illness from my opening up this way. This is not the first time this has happened, but I knew there were more out there. This has been the amazing thing about social networking-finding out who else needs your support and encouragement just as you do. It saddens me there are so many I have discovered in my "friends" on Facebook but I am grateful for such connections. So before I get into my next post...I just want to thank all of you as well as the folks at Invisible Illness Week and But You Don't Look Sick for encouraging me to do this for the month of September. If it helps me or anyone else,  including those who have a loved one with an invisible illness, then this was all worth it. Cheers.

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